Posts tagged with: development

Order Matters: Using select to set variables

A quick post today. SQL allows you to set many variables at the same time using a select statement. However, many people do not realize that when you do this the order the variables are set in the select statement...
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Telling a Compelling Story for Telehealth

In this short marketing video American Well outlines a compelling story for their Telehealth product by spotlighting many of those things that people commonly experience and telling a story of how it can be better. I find the video is...
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Warning: RESEED Changed from SQL 2008 R2 to 2012

Recently, someone on my team had an issue with automated database tests failing and we discovered a change Microsoft made to the SQL engine.  If you use the DBCC CHECKIDENT command to RESEED a table it could impact you as well. Our...
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To structure or not to structure – that is the question

I was recently having a conversation that got me thinking philosophically about data. It reminded me of an article I read by Kevin Shelly about Mark Logic’s No SQL Database. In the article Kevin states Today 80% of the world’s...
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Code Writing Code Round 1 – CRUD Statements

Unfortunately, things are not that easy for us mere mortals.  However, we can make many repeatable tasks much easier by automating them or supplying tools to simplify them. I was having a conversation with someone the other day who saw...
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Trying to Resolve “Failed to deploy database project:..” when running Database Tests

On certain occasions when you try to run the database tests you will receive the dreaded “Failed to deploy database project:” message and then many of your tests will fail. We speculated that this was primarily due to the test...
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To handle uncertainty and risk.. use Spikes

I had this tagged for a blog post for quite a while now and since we had a similar situation come up in sprint planning for the ED tool yesterday this is a great time to post on it. Basically,...
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Data flow in decoupled solutions

Many of the current products we have released into the wild are using an architecture such that the standard product is not tightly coupled with any particular sites custom ETL transforms. We gain many benefits from this approach, such as:...
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The Seven Sins against TSQL Performance

SQL MVP Grant Fritchey posted his “The Seven Deadly Sins against TSQL Performance” article quite a while ago, but it is still relevant today. If you are new to TSQL, or just want to understand some common things that kill...
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Tool Development and ATOs: Tidbits 1

We are currently pursuing an ATO (Authority To Operate) for some of our Tools. We are working with a company named Lunarline in the process. We are still in process, but I wanted to lay out a few things we have...
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