Posts filed under: development

The Seven Sins against TSQL Performance

SQL MVP Grant Fritchey posted his “The Seven Deadly Sins against TSQL Performance” article quite a while ago, but it is still relevant today. If you are new to TSQL, or just want to understand some common things that kill...
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Announcements at SQL PASS 2016

SQL PASS happened out in Seattle a couple weeks ago and Microsoft announced some new features they are bringing to the SQL Server platform. I will briefly discuss some of the more interesting items below. SSAS in Azure Microsoft is...
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Tool Development and ATOs: Tidbits 1

We are currently pursuing an ATO (Authority To Operate) for some of our Tools. We are working with a company named Lunarline in the process. We are still in process, but I wanted to lay out a few things we have...
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Tally, Oh! A table of numbers, splitting strings, and more

I was recently asked, “What is the DW.Numbers table used for in our database?” The simple answer is that it is can be used to perform many tasks in a set based operation that would normally require a loop, or...
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Value creation checklist

It is pretty amazing some of the ideas we come up with here through the myriad of idea generating avenues we have – swimtank, hackathon, R&D, etc.  Everyone truly wants to be part of solving great problems. Currently we are...
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The Value of Naming Constraints

In certain designers, such as SQL Server Management Studio table designer, when you create certain constraints (Primary and foreign keys, defaults, and check constraints) they will be given a name that contains a GUID to verify the name is unique. This...
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Performance Troubleshooting without Data? Enter DBCC Clone Database

With SQL server 2014 SP 2 Microsoft added a new feature that sounds pretty sweet for troubleshooting some performance problems. It is called Clone Database. In a Nutshell Clone database gives you a copy of the specified databases without any...
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Improve data quality by addressing non-stated requirements

I read an article by David Poole a few weeks ago where he talks about addressing non-stated requirements. I believe this is an area that is quite often overlooked when data modeling; at least up front.  He sums it up...
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Using medium-term goals to drive Now vs Not-Now prioritization

Mike Cohn posted an article a few years ago on Now vs Not-Now Prioritization Along with Medium-Term Goals. The article is a good read. In the article he states. At the start of each quarter, a product owner should put...
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Our enterprise tools and using the CUSTOM schema

I was recently asked a question about what is the CUSTOM schema in our tools used for and I thought it may be a good idea to write about it in case you are not familiar with it. With our...
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