Posts tagged with: development

Scripting Data from a table doesn’t have to be like pulling teeth

Sometimes you need to be able to script the data out of a table and it is easier than you might think. I commonly do this when I am generating automated tests or updating a product with system data for...
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Improving Project Success

There was a timely editorial posted this morning on SQL Server Central by Steve Jones concerning Successful Projects. In his post he references Kevin Whitson’s The Kevin Test for Successful Projects, which was inspired by The Rands Test   and Joel...
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Project Pre-Kickoff Road-mapping and Scoping

In many cases we are asked to give a WAG for a project very early in the process. This typically includes the assumptions  we made, and any known risks. As the project progresses it is usually necessary to spend some...
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Hiding the SSRS Breadcrumbs from Users

It is common when rolling out our SSRS prototypes that different onsite users will be interacting with the different products. This means that typically different user groups will be setup and certain groups will have access to specific SSRS report folders...
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SSRS Error – ReportServerDatabaseUnavailableException

We recently had a customer trying to upgrade an SSRS solution and they were receiving some of the errors below. Some were from when they were trying to deploy the new reports and some were when they tried to go...
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SSDT Deployment Optimization for Table Constraints and Calculated Columns

Calculated columns on tables can be helpful. For example let’s assume you have a table with Name Fields and you have a formula for FullName. You typically want that formula in a single spot.  A common way to handle that...
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Avoiding deployment grief from database drift

*Movie guy voice* In a world where applications are developed and shipped to multiple customers. One company effectively saves money and has happier customers by understanding database drift. I was once talking to a friend at a SQL Server Users...
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Equivalence Partitioning and Other Testing Methodologies

I was recently sent an article on different testing methodologies. Thanks Danny. The article covered a topic that I think many people may forget about when thinking of how to write tests. That topic is Equivalence Partitioning. Equivalence Partitioning is used to...
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Starting with T-SQL for SQL Server

I was recently having a conversation with someone and they asked me what some good resources were to begin writing SQL.  So I thought it would be a good idea to compile a quick list of places I like to...
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Lessons Learned: Standard Dashboard Episode 1

Where I currently work many process improvement projects end up requiring some sort of software deliverable be created and left behind to aid in the sustainment of the process improvement work. Originally these were prototypes developed for a single site,...
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