Posts tagged with: performance

The Seven Sins against TSQL Performance

SQL MVP Grant Fritchey posted his “The Seven Deadly Sins against TSQL Performance” article quite a while ago, but it is still relevant today. If you are new to TSQL, or just want to understand some common things that kill...
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Performance Troubleshooting without Data? Enter DBCC Clone Database

With SQL server 2014 SP 2 Microsoft added a new feature that sounds pretty sweet for troubleshooting some performance problems. It is called Clone Database. In a Nutshell Clone database gives you a copy of the specified databases without any...
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T-Shirt Series: Derived tables

I have been asked what is the difference between Temp Tables, Table Variables, CTEs, and Derived tables. So I thought I would take this opportunity to do a short blog post on each and then summarize the differences. I like...
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